Jyoti Mirmire Samuhik Saccoss always playing a vital role for the social and economic development of Saccoss member. This Samuhik Saccoss is working for the development of lifestyle, economy, social and all personality development of the Saccoss member having rural lifestyle. We are very proud to work in such co-operative.This Saccoss is working to change the living standard of people having low economy rate as well as other people. As We also want to work for society and we think We are doing from this organization. We are felling very proud to be a part of it. I think this Saccoss should always work on the basis of rules and regulation of the nation and it should provide facillities easily by managing properly without doing discrimination between the people. For doing such a work We will work hard and We will provide member friendly facilities. We will do as much as We can by working hard day by day for maintaining prestige of this Saccoss. THANK YOU.